Food for Thought


chorizo from my kitchen

Have you ever felt like your cooking repertoire was lacking or missing a key ingredient? Well I did until Chorizo came into my life. For those who are unfamiliar with this food it is a Spanish sausage, supposedly spicy. It is good fried, baked, or just eaten alone. It can be put in sauces, pastries, omelets, anything with tomatoes sauce, and so much more.

I am a lover of bacon but, as a dancer, I try limit my bacon intake. We all know it is good for the soul but bad for every other part of your body. The good news is I have now found a substitute, yes this is possible, for bacon. Chorizo.

Reasons for my new obsession. In England bacon is weird. There is typically less fat, its thicker and wider, and it is sold in smaller quantities for a higher price. Basically epic fail on England’s behalf! Chorizo on the other hand, when on sale, is reasonably priced and it is by far less terrible for you. When comparing 100g of bacon with 100g of chorizo, chorizo has half the calories, close to a third of the fat that bacon has and 20 more grams of protein than bacon. So the clear winner is chorizo!

Happy cooking from my kitchen to yours!

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