
Finally a blog about tea!

Seeing as my blog is called my cup of tea I though it was about time to write about tea. And I shall start by saying 1.) I love tea, 2.) I never new tea could taste so good, and 3.) The different types of tea are limitless, which is news to me. In respect to my deep passion for tea it was only suspect that LUIP would do a tea outing. We went to Fortnum & Mason. Comparable to Harrods and Selfridges, just not as big, but with a lot more traditional English flavor. Every moment is to be savored when having tea so let see what I can recapture.

The table: While growing up in a middle class home in the States we had ‘China’. The fancy dinnerware only brought out for special occassion and a tea cup to be brought out when my mom wanted a little extra class while drinking her Lipton. I always thought procelain tea cups were impractical with my clumsiness so I wrote them off. No one needed to spend that much on a tea cup and saucer I thought. BOOM! Proven wrong. Just look at this.

Oh so simple but yet oh so elegant

Oh so simple but yet oh so elegant

The simple elegance bashed my chine Stereotype. Now to save up to buy one or two cups!

The talk: We had a delightful presentation by the archivist at Fortnum & Mason. They have so much history and pride that they need an archivist. For a ‘department’ store. Not enough words to recap the whole story so I will say look at their website. http://www.fortnumandmason.com/c-358-our-history-fortnum-and-mason.aspx

Tea: Never have I ever seen more options for tea in my entire life until I came to Fortnum  & Mason. Assam, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, Afternoon and Breakfast, Ceylon Orange, Russian Caravan, Green, Gunpowder, and a tea for every occassion. The list could go on forever.

Treats: Not the word used to describe these delicacies so I shall refer to them as mouth watering goodness. The goodness offered to us had a lot of Fortnum flavor and sugar. I recommend the pastries and treats but save the clotted cream, scones, and jam for a bakery. I adored the rose petal eclair… So different, yet so tasty.

I shall finish with a quote that sums up my feelings for tea:

“Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson